TSP loans come with some fees and may mean paying more in taxes. You will also accrue less interest on your retirement funds when you borrow. A Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a retirement plan offered to uniformed service members or employees of the federal government. A TSP loan allows memb...
I used to deeply mourn the passing of my father and for many years I remembered the pain, loss and anxiety related to that particular moment in time. Each one of us has experienced concentrating on the wrong things I guess, it’s part of the journey. But the other part for me was un...
Demultiplexed paired-end sequences were merged and performed quality control im- plementation (mean sequence quality score ≥ 30) and features table construction (amplicon sequences variants, ASVs) via DADA2 [29] plugin in QIIME2 (version 2019.10) [30]. An even sequence depth of 9452 reads ...
If there is a visual, corporeal dimension to race and the racialization process, how could we better capture the social construction of race as a social location in our question formats and measurement? Under the "white" race box, German, Irish, English and Italian are listed as examples of...
Magnitude was estimated as the difference between two treatments, the difference between an experimental treatment and a control, or the change in temperature over time. If three or more treatment levels were used, the mean difference between treatments was used (e.g., for treatments 10, 15 ...