9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Wikipedia AcronymDefinition ACOLAbortion Clinics OnLine ACOLAIDS Committee of London(Ontario, Canada) ACOLAverage Cost of Labour ACOLAdvisory Committee for Online Learning(Canada) ...
IPMInstituto de Previsión Militar(Spanish: Military Forecasting Institute; Guatemala) IPMInstitut Pasteur de Madagascar(French: Pasteur Institute of Madagascar) IPMIntelligent Power Management IPMInfrastructure Performance Management IPMIntegrated Project Management(Capability Maturity Model Integration) ...
The specific for the general. Bread for food, using a specific item to represent the general category. 7 Synecdochical Rhetorical application. A synecdochical argument might use boots on the ground to discuss military presence. 8 Synecdoche The general for the specific. The crown for the king...
MBARMilitary Bolt Action Rifle(shooting) MBARMarket Based Accounting Research MBARMontecito Board of Architectural Review(Santa Barbara, CA) MBARMemory Base Address Register MBARMyocardial Beta Adrenergic Receptor MBARMultiple-Beam Acquisition Radar
Annecdotes from Shane Leslie Mattison. Dr. Ben Carson, Champion of God, Family, Country and Decency in Government. Ben Carson can return America to being a Constitutional Republic once again. A submission from someone who would be Pope. If all the last five or so Popes have been invalid...
We appreciate the knowledge that our ancestors left for us, that not only gives us means and reasons to celebrate but at the same time does something for everyone’s well-being, that will keep mother nature healthy and happy for the generations to come. These festivals have a deeper meaning...
MQTMilitary Qualification Test MQTMonadic Predicate Logic MQTMaintainability Qualification Test(transportation) MQTMoving Quarterly Total(pharmaceuticals) MQTMelt Quenching Technique MQTManufacturing Quality Technician Copyright 1988-2018AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. ...
PPAPiss Poor Attitude(military slang) PPAPsychophysiological Profile Assessment PPAPastor's Personal Assistant PPAProject Performance Analysis PPAPath Profile Analysis PPAParlamento del Pueblo Aymara(Spanish: Aymara People's Parliament) PPAPing-Pong Arbiter ...
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