Qualified acceptance - this is an acceptance where express terms will vary in the effect of the bill being drawn In the law of sale, acceptance of goods does not occur until the buyer has had a limited right to examine the goods. This allows the buyer time to make sure that the goods ...
What does prima facie mean in legal terms? Prima Facie Prima Facie is connected with the legal term of negligence. The term is also related as one the face. Negligence is commonly taught in torts in law school. Answer and Explanation: ...
With the enforcement of this protocol, the carbon market has risen to the top of the agenda. If we consider that forests are the most important factor in terms of the reduction of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, it is of utmost importance to clarify the legal relationship ...
Legal Glossary – Legal Dictionary “What does this legal term mean?” Master List of Legal Terms Call Our Lawyers for Legal Help: 800-392-4529A Abdominoplasty Acuity Adjudicate Administrative Defense Coverage Affidavit Aggregate Limit Alcohol Poisoning Allegation Alternative Dispute ...
What does Recidivism mean? In legal contexts, recidivism refers to a person’s relapse into criminal behavior, often after having been previously convicted and penalized for similar or other crimes. When someone re-offends, they are described as a “recidivist.” Recidivism is a critical metric ...
What does or mean in legal terms? short for "own recognizance," meaning the judge allowed a person accused in a criminal case to go free pending trial without posting bail. A person so released is often referred to as having been "OR-ed." O.S.C. n. short for order to show cause....
Set the expectation that you will only pay for work that is appropriate for the timekeeper’s role and expertise. In other words, clearly state that you won’t pay partner-level rates for work that could be completed by an associate or paralegal. If your department does not pay for work ...
Some individuals use trusts because they keep details about assets private. In many jurisdictions, the terms of a will are public. A trust can accomplish what a will does, but in a more private manner. Estate Planning Trusts can also be used forestate planning. Typically, a deceased individua...
If you don’t keep to the terms of your CCJ, your creditor can ask the court to enforce the debt. They can do this in several ways: Bailiff action: the court can issue a Warrant of Execution. This allows a bailiff the power to visit your home or business to take the money that ...
Garnishment refers to a legal process that instructs a third party to deduct payments directly from a debtor’s wage or bank account.