SGSShun Goku Satsu(Instant Hell Murder/Raging Demon) SGSSampson G. Smith Intermediate School(Somerset, NJ, USA) SGSSport Grupo Sacavenense(Soccer club; Sacavém, Portugal) SGSSecond Gear Start SGSSmoke Generator Set SGSSteam Generator System ...
LOGLegacy of Goku(game) LOGLogging File LOGLogical LOGLove Over Gold(Dire Straits album) LOGLean on God LOGLyons Outdoor Games(Colorado) LOGLight of Guidance(various organizations) LOGLernen Ohne Grenzen(German: Learning without Borders)
does it so often seem to be either that or a $3-4k megasynth that’s tight & responsive, as a serious instrument should be? Its akin to the ongoing BS of knobs on spindles that have no retaining collar at the base, so they wobble and stress the circuit board into an early grave....