St. Ignatius of Antioch said, “Where the bishop is, there let the multitude of believers be; even as where Jesus is, there is the Catholic Church.” We also can call each parish a “church,” for, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “the word ‘Church’ (Latin ecclesia...
What does sonata mean in music? This word sonata originally meant simply a piece of music. It comes from the Latin word sonare, to sound; so a sonata isanything that is sounded by instruments, as opposed to a cantata, which is anything that is sung (from the Latin word, cantare, to ...
Mexico does not have an official religion. However,Roman Catholicismis the dominant faith and deeply culturally pervasive. It is estimated over 80% of the population identifies as Catholic. What is the main religion in Canada? According to the 2011 National Household Survey, the largest religion i...
The chapter is an essay, which—based on the evidence available on how curricula are changing throughout the world—offers a reflection on the curriculum in Latin American Catholic schools and the current challenges for this structural and structuring dimension of school work. The chapter suggests ...
But this does not mean the church should meet whatever needs people might happen to feel. In my next post I’ll address one more source from which people get their ideas of what a church should be. This one, I believe, is often the most influential. Where Do People Get Their Ideas ...
What does the word "amen" mean? Answer: Amen is a word that came to English from Latin, which got it from Greek, which got it from Aramaic, which got it from Hebrew (technically, Aramaic may have had it anyway, before it became the standard language of the Jewish people a few cent...
What Does Latinx Mean? Latinx, most commonly pronounced “Latin-EX," is a gender-neutral alternative to Latina and Latino. The intersectional term is useful for those in LGBTQ+ community who do not identify as either male or female. Though the term has been around for more than a decade,...
In Latin, “mea culpa” means “through my fault.” Its origin is a Catholic prayer of confession. A person might have said it as an expression of guilt and repentance after revealing some sin. Dictionaries classify it as anoun, a formal acknowledgment that something is your fault. Can you...
In Roman times, the word 'pagan' was used as an insult to denigrate those who still believed in the 'old gods' rather than the Christian God. As such, the Latin wordpaganuswas derogatorily used to mean 'country bumpkin' or 'backwards villager'. ...
The first prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, was started in Paternoster Row – itself named after the first couple of words in the prayer when recited in Latin (“Pater Noster” which translates as “Our Father”). The monks would then process westward and by the time they reached the corner of...