Our government keeps talking about economic recovery, so does the Obama administration in the USA and the bureaucratic dictatorship of unelected penpushers in the European Union headquarters, Brussels. but in the perception of most people, things are not
June –Littl’st sister got married to her cactus prince (I’m sorry to whichever of the two of you reads that first and I mean it with so much love) and I got to be co-maid of honor so yes, another MOH speech! Also June –Visited Victoria, BC with B (my other sister/roomate)...
Sure, if there was a 1% concentration in a milk product and a 1% concentration in a wheat product, that doesn’t mean they’re equal in effect. Nor does it mean they’re better than a food with a 2% concentration of a different type. In an ideal scenario, you would be able to wei...
December 14, 2020 (United Kingdom) Tech specs Edit Runtime 58minutes Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page List Staff Picks: What to Watch in February ...
Writers encounter dialogue every day, but too often recently I've seen great stories ruined by choppy, incoherent, and straight-up weird dialogue. How can you use dialogue tags effectively in your stories to produce clear dialogue that zings?
“so severe in intensity and prolonged in duration that no one in a civilized society should be required to bear it.” Objective evidence shows that Net-humiliation leads to teen suicides, so I think we can safely conclude that the cat is out of the bag: being the butt of a DIRA is ...
S I'm noticing a problem. When hes in my lap hes been getting kind of aggresive, so i push him away by his butt and fluid xomes out, it is the worst smell i have ever encounted!!! Could this be caused his dibilited state? What does this sound like the vet told us nothing, he...
When I say it gets better and better, I just mean that everything they offer is top notch, and each time I explore something new, I am just thrilled with what it offers. I continue to explore, implement, and reap the benefits of the LeadsLeap Program. What I Like the most about ...
Whenever the issue of mass migration is raised in public, most politiciansa probably explain the relationship between immigration and growth. But I’m not going to do that, not least because even the country’s leading economists can’t seem to agree on which is the ...
Does jump always indicate a physical movement? No, phrases like "jump to conclusions" use the word metaphorically to indicate a sudden decision or assumption. 14 Do both hop and jump refer to a movement off the ground? Yes, both refer to a movement off the ground, but hop is often light...