Late-stage capitalism aims to expose the hypocrisies and unsustainability of modern-day capitalism. For example, many people criticize corporations for using social issues as a marketing tactic. For instance,Budweiser spent $5 million on a Super Bowl adabout its disaster relief efforts. A private c...
For more than two centuries, economists left and right have argued that capitalists – and therefore capitalism – thrive on “real investment” and the growth of “real capital”. But as we shall see, in reality, the best time for capitalists is when their “real accumulation” tanks! . ...
How Does Surveillance Capitalism Work? Surveillance capitalism also has its fair share of drawbacks—one of which is the inherent predatory behavior of the machine that makes it possible. For the machine of surveillance capitalism to thrive, there are several factors that need to be in place. Her...
While free market capitalism has delivered the greatest quality of life improvements in the history of civilization for the most people around the world, this incredible engine of innovation can be harmful if it isn't properly regulated. While it's great for people in the United States or Canad...
“We need an urgent refoundation of business and capitalism around purpose and humanity—to find new ways for all of us to lead so that we can create a better future, a more sustainable future.”—Hubert Joly, former chair and CEO of Best Buy ...
The private economy had long since acquired a legal status and continue to thrive, with some private entrepreneurs becoming elites with wide social influence. Why do they still have a sense of insecurity? Where does their insecurity come from? What are the deeper reasons? How do they respond ...
If he's correct in his diagnosis (that post-2008, we all slid into a reimagined fiefdom based on cloud computing) then there's an existential threat to capitalism that no economic theorist could have seen coming。 Yanis doesn't set out any master plan for a coherent alternative structure, ...
State capitalism is an economic system wherebusinessand commercial activity is controlled by the state through state-owned enterprises. In a state capitalist environment, the government is the principal actor. It takes an active role in the formation, regulation, and subsidization of businesses to div...
The key to capitalism is that… You have these for-profit companies that are primarily focused on profits that will avoid taxes, that will license their IP to their Irish subsidiaries, so they can avoid paying US taxes. They will make… KS: They’ll do deals with China – the Chinese ...
Mercantilism vs. Capitalism Capitalism provides several advantages over mercantilism for individuals, businesses, and nations. With capitalism's free-trade system, individuals benefit from a greater choice of affordable goods. On the other hand, mercantilism restricts imports and reduces the choices availab...