What causes Feste to become frustrated in Act 4 of "Twelfth Night"? What does Caliban represent in The Tempest? What does Brutus fear in act 1, scene 2 of Julius Caesar? What is the main plot of "Twelfth Night"? What does Lear suffer from in Shakespeare's King Lear?
What does the Chorus symbolize in "Antigone"? What is the significance of the dagger soliloquy in Macbeth? What did the conflict between Antigone and Creon represent? How does Euripides portray Medea? What does Caliban represent in The Tempest?
My next rant is about the Christian religion. In the Middle Ages, Geoffrey Chaucer in “Canterbury Tales” wrote about the sale of indulgences which would reduce the time spent in purgatory, for sinners going eventually to heaven. The Vatican got rich from the extortion. And later it turned ...
How is Death in Venice an example of modernism? What does Caliban represent in The Tempest? What does the handkerchief in Othello symbolize? What does the Merchant do in The Canterbury Tales? What does the handkerchief symbolize in Othello?
What rebellious actions does the narrator take part in in The Handmaid's Tale? What inspired The Handmaid's Tale? What is the role of female characters in Julius Caesar? What does Moira represent in The Handmaid's Tale? What is The Handmaid'...
What happened to Villefort in The Count of Monte Cristo? What happens to the fool in King Lear? What happens to Caliban at the end of The Tempest? What has Sir Gawain learned in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight? What does Sir Gawain and the Green Knight teach us?
What does Silas Marner's cottage represent in the novel Silas Marner? How does the author George Eliot present the community in Silas Marner? In Silas Marner, what is the difference between the Silas Marner of Lantern Yard and the Silas Marner of Raveloe?
What did Dracula represent in Bram Stoker's novel of the same name? Who is the protagonist in Dracula by Bram Stoker? Who exactly is the monster in Heart of Darkness? Who is the villain in The Hunchback of Notre Dame? What is Dr. Jekyll's and Mr. Hyde's first name in The Str...
What is Caliban's War about? What is Aristophanes' "Lysistrata" about? Who tricks Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing? What is a main lesson of Much Ado About Nothing? What was the role of women in Othello? What are the moors in Wuthering Heights?
What is the plot of The Tempest by William Shakespeare? Do Othello and Desdemona consummate their marriage in Shakespeare's Othello? To what extent is Shakespeare's As You Like It a romantic comedy? What is Caliban's relationship to Prospero in The Tempest?