Calculus, renal:A stone in the kidney(or lower down in the urinary tract). Also called a kidney stone. The stones themselves are called renal caluli. The word "calculus" (plural: calculi) is the Latin word for pebble. What does Calc mean in medical terminology? Prefixes meaningcalcium, c...
An abnormal concretion of the uterus, usually a calcified myoma. hysterolith uterine calculus. What is Ureterorrhagia? Urethrorrhagia is a name for irritation and bleeding of the urethra (the passage where urine comes out), seen most commonly in adolescent boys. What is the term for absence...
Impression: No hydronehprosis bilaterally. Left renal calculus 7mm. Two right renal cysts. One left renal cyst, measurements as above. Cholelithiasis. What does all that mean? Byanon175128— On May 12, 2011 I felt extreme pain in my right kidney, and the following is the ultrasound result...