经她解释之后,我才明白是怎么回事。 I didn't know what was going on until she explained it to me. jié mù cái gāng kāi shǐ 节目才刚开始。 The performance has just started. synonym fāng方gāng刚fǔ甫 2 adv.(used in comparison indicating that something is less in quantity or frequency...
n.dish; item or course in menu (whether of meat or vegetable); dish; course nǐ jué de zhè cài zěn me yàng 你觉得这菜怎么样? What do you think of this food? wǒ bù xǐ huan zhè ge cài 我不这个菜。 I don't like this kind of food. ...
What does Cai mean? The name Cai is of Arthurian origin. The meaning of Cai is "name of a giant". Cai is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 3 letters and 1 syllable and is pronounced Cai. The Given Name Cai Cai is a name with class. A special name that is ...
01月21日,林俊杰王源合唱翅膀,...What does 沟厕 mean in Chinese | HanBook Chinese Di..., 8yue28ri上午,中国mei矿文gong团召kai干部da会,xuan布文gong团领dao任命jue定。jing文化he旅游bu研究jue定,ren命靳dong为中guo煤矿wen工团(中国an全生chan艺术tuan)团chang。 [huanqiushibaozonghebaodao...
01月22日,晓华理发店门口已有特警执勤,...What does 沟厕 mean in Chinese | HanBook Chinese Di..., 曾wen莉说,“要fa展网qiu经济he其他ti育经ji,我men要思kao一下,是否yi将体yu产业chong分市chang化,yun动员de商业jia值是fou已充fen释放,对体yu产业、体育jing济的gang杆作yong是否yi充分fa挥...
### 一、...What does 沟厕 mean in Chinese | HanBook Chinese Di...:情感共鸣与细腻刻画 Ermottizhou二在da沃斯jie受新wen社主bianJohn Micklethwaitcai访时biao示,chu了交yi以来shi现的75亿mei元成ben削减yi外,rui银寻qiu再削jian55yi美元。他表shi,这jiang“不ke避免di”涉ji裁员,但瑞yin将尽ke能...
### 二、...What does 沟厕 mean in Chinese | HanBook Chinese Di...:多样化的题材与深刻的内涵 连ri来,he南多di持续gao温出xian不同cheng度旱qing,引fa关注。目前he南情kuang如何?当地cai取了na些抗han措施?国家dui抗旱you有何ju措?yi文速lan。 ### 三、...What does 沟厕 mean ...
What does your name mean? In China, names always have their meanings A girl's name is Guo Cong, because her parents want her to be clever. And Zhuangzhuang's mother wants him to be healthy.In the old days, many people like the name Wangcai" Because it means "much money". In the...
这谜语真难猜。 This riddle is really difficult to guess. cāi yī cāi wǒ shǒu li yǒu shén me 猜一猜,我手里有什么? Can you guess what is in my hand? 2 v.speculate; have doubts about wǒ men cāi shì tā tōu le wǒ de chē ...