What does FIFA's takeover of CAF mean for African football? At the same time, the point cannot be missed that FIFA's action emanated from alleged corruption by the CAF leadership. FIFA, CAF And African Football The conviction was issued under Article 41.1 of the CAF Disciplinary Code, which...
In medieval times, the San Bernardino was the only direct route, not only military, to Chur. In the early seventeenth century, the so-called Valtellina corridor, which connected the territories subject to the Habsburgs of Spain with the domains of the Habsburgs of Austria, would become vital...
Symptomatic cases were predominant in young adults, with an increased incidence and severity in pregnant women. Initially, this outbreak was classified as non-A and non-B Hepatitis Epidemics. A few years later, another similar outbreak occurred in a soviet military camp in Afghanistan [10]. Dr....