C'est-à-direis a common expression in French and you can use it when you want to say "I mean" or "that is." It's a way to clarify what you're trying to explain and you will find it very useful in conversations. The Meaning ofC'est-à-dire C'est-à-direis pronouncedsay ta ...
Est-ce que tu veux sortir ?Do you want to go outside ?Est-ce qu'il fait beau demain ?Is...
What DoesC'es partiMean? C'est partiis pronouncedsay par tee. Literally, it means "it left," though a better English translation is "here we go" or "here goes." It can also be used to mean "we're off." The phrase falls intothe informal (familier) register, meaning it's something...
What does the suffix -est mean? Comparative and Superlative: When two people or situations are placed alongside each other and compared in some way, the comparative form of a word is used to describe their differences. The superlative form describes one word or situation as being the most extr...
It is the action he does that affects her mood. If I wanted to apply this logic to one single person, I would have to use an infinitive construction. Elle est si heureuse de rire tout le temps. Translating in English won’t work. It’s only by fully understanding the context, ...
And while the spotlight shines bright on the best-known delegates, it’s the smaller interactions that can mean the most. “In Davos, I always like to meet the start-up or technology company that comes up with an idea that, if it works, could scale through the planet and change somethin...
But when it does arrive—and it likely will at some point—it’s going to be a very big deal for every aspect of our lives, businesses, and societies. Executives can begin working now to better understand the path to machines achieving human-level intelligence and making the transition to ...
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who...
What does solid-state mean in relation to electronics? Explore More Advertisement What Is a Hard Drive and How Does It Work? By: Marshall Brain | Updated: Apr 30, 2024 Hard disks store digital information in a relatively permanent form. See more computer hardware pictures. Nearly every ...
Attend my webinaron Feb 12th, 9 AM EST (if you’re reading this too late, there will be a recording). Read more about these topics in our full report:US Consumer Spending Outlook, 2024. Schedule timewith me for an inquiry or a guidance session. ...