What does the red poppy signify on Memorial Day?28% thought Memorial Day was a day to honor all military veterans and didn't know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Also, only 46% knew that Memorial Day always falls on the last Monday in May, and 21% thought the ...
Bush called for military advisers and special forces teams to help shut down drug production and trafficking in Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru. Later that year, Bush met with Mikhail Gorbachev off the coast of Malta, and announced the Cold War might be coming to a close. [Pictured: On Dec. ...
Unfortunately, our kids will be sicker than we are! The people in our government are puppets of the elite, Rolthschild, Rockerfeller and Bush families to slowly reduce the population in many ways. New World Order, next phase please. …war. No question every person is here on earth to le...
Introductory note: What does a Superstar Scot musician's passing have to do with a legal weblog or "blawg" started in 2005 about quality lawyering, the magic of travel, who to fire, who to hire, Paris and making your life a work of art? Everything. If you don't get it, see me ...
Pet Pals teams visit kids at the American Family Children’s Hospital—one of the premier cancer treatment centers in the country. Tootsie passed her behavioral evaluation, and now we are waiting to hear if she passed her medical examination, required every year for every dog, to ensure tha...