Poggers emote is a Pepe the frog; we all know that. But this emote is actually based on streamer/gamer Gootecks. In a bloopers reel that Gootecks uploaded to his channel, you can see someone bump into the camera that they are using to record. Gootecks then looks to Mike Ross (another ...
Going DTC doesn’t mean you need to burn bridges with retail partners. Here’s how to maintain retail partnerships. Share customer insights with retailers DTC models make it easier to build relationships with customers. Give back to retailers by gathering customer data that will improve their sale...
Teenage girls who grow up in unfavorable family life environments—where there is discord and a shortage of warmth and affection—may become emotionally closed off and find it difficult to communicate their feelings. These young individuals could experience stress, fatigue, confusion, and isolation. F...
Of course, it became clear the President’s proposal was largely meant to sound dramatic and ambitious rather than actually be dramatic and ambitious. No wonder, given what else was going on in January 20042. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s budget did get a mild bump in ...
What DoesDetect MagicDetect; What DoesIdentifyIdentify? Angry Discordian mAc Chaos recently posed a question in the Angry supporter Discord server. In mAc Chaos’ Dungeons & Dragons 5E game, there are substances — like ectoplasm and magical flower sap and whatnot — that have properties that ma...
On a broader scale, I’ve noticed two things at least that serve to bring us together where we can forget our differences. Laughter does it: when you go to a stand-up or improv comedy show you tend to forget about all those other issues. And you can laugh together with your fiercest...
Reduce memory usage in sort & incremental sort by using a bump memory allocator: The benefit of this change is that Postgres will use less memory for doing sorts, so things don’t have to go to disk becausework_memis full, which means improved sort and incremental sort p...
In addition to the phrase ‘dab me up’, what does it mean? EXPLAINING THE MEANING OF ‘DAB ME UP’ As you probably know, the term ‘dab me up’ comes from its slang meaning of ‘dap me up. They’re asking you to ‘dap’ them if they say ‘dap me up. ...
Hey everyone i am currently running a R7 5800x and a 4070ti on a 750w thermal take gf a3. I know i am on the lower end for this build, however im stuck if i go with a 1050w thermal take gf a3 or i just bump it up to the corsair rm850? everytime i run PBO i get coil ...
And we’ve been incredibly blessed with great support for our charity endeavors to the point where we were able to create theCritical Role Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that partners with an array of organizations on causes that mean a lot to us. Keep up to date on the...