In a video for Wired, retired astronaut Chris Hadfield confirmed that space does in deed smell like gunpowder and burnt steak."To me, it's sort of like brimstone—as if a witch has just been there," he said of the space station's airlock. He suspects that the vacuum of space may be...
. . do scent strongly of brimstone. Scent To hunt animals by means of the sense of smell. Scent That which, issuing from a body, affects the olfactory organs of animals; odor; smell; as, the scent of an orange, or of a rose; the scent of musk. With lavish hand diffuses scents ...
We are alive today due to G-d’s grace. Each, and every professed Christian is on a path towards Christ. We will never be perfect in this life, and that is why grace is so important. One does not have to do anything to earn it other than accept G-d’s love for mankind. Do we...
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth...
“Advent guy”. He was the one that leaped in the womb when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, entered the house. He would grow up to be this wild wilderness-sort of man who wore animal skins and ate locusts and honey and preached a seemingly hell-fire and brimstone version of repentance to ...
but so will not the floods of Divine Vengeance, poured out upon sinners to the uttermost: for "the breath," that is, the anger, "of the Lord, like a stream of" fire and "brimstone, doth kindle" and feed the matter of those flames. (Isai. 30:33.) The plagues of Egypt were ...
I protest against all these educational heresies--they are redolent of brimstone. Truth is truth, or there is none at all. If there be any, it is our duty to impart it to this immortal at the outset of his existence. Secular education! What do you mean by it? Who shall sever one ...
Having had it on good authority that the end of the world was coming on or about 12-12-12, Sparky decided that, what the hell, eating a large quantity of high grade chocolate was a better way to go than fire and brimstone or whatever the Mayans anticipated. ...
I can write very like my lady your niece : on a forgotten matter we can hardly make distinction of our hands. SIR TOBY BELCH Excellent ! I smell a device. SIR ANDREW I havet in my nose too. SIR TOBY BELCH He shall think, by the letters that thou wilt drop, that they come from ...
Remember also, that the attack does not have to be with a bomb. It could be a programmed biological threat, like this current bird/swine flu situation taken to a higher level. Or, it could be a combination of things. First, weaken the population with illness, so they cannot fight, then...