With these signs, you may also see some thick, stringy, bloody discharge calledbloody show. This is a combination of mucus and blood from vessels that have ruptured as the cervix begins todilate and effacein preparation for active labor. Bloody show may be brownish, pink, or bright red and...
What is the correct term for the digestive disease or disorder described as an inflamed area with tissue destruction in the gastric mucosa? Small purplish spots, called petechiae, indicate which disorder? Anemia Hemophilia Physiological jaundi...
However, mucus, especially if a lot, can also indicate colitis (inflammation of the colon), stress, dietary changes, or parasites.Is canned pumpkin good for dogs with diarrhea?Canned pumpkin has been found to help with some causes of diarrhea. It acts as a prebiotic because it stimulates ...
Does anyone know if yellow mucus is a sign of a sinus infection? Mine has been bright yellow for awhile now, and I’ve been having a lot of congestion. The mucus has the appearance of dried fruit. Even though it isn’t moist, it reproduces quickly, and I have to keep blowing it ...
and blood digestion. bright red coloration within the feces or coating the feces is a sign of lower intestinal tract bleeding (colon, rectum). mucus-coated feces indicates possible inflammation of the digestive system, dehydration or parasitic infection . yellow or green cat diarrhea discolored ...
Filled with mucus9 Thin and pencil-like Thetype of IBSyou have can also affect the color of your stool. This is because poop color often reflects how fast the stool passes through the intestines. Stool that passes rapidly through the intestines may appear yellow or green, whereas stool that...
Healthy vaginas produce vaginal discharge or fluid. This is completely normal but when these fluids change, it can signal a problem. What does normal discharge look like? It is has the following characteristics:1 Odorless Clear, white, or slightly yellow ...
Clean your child's skin at least once every day or as directed. You may need to clean it more often if he or she coughs up a lot of thick mucus.Wash your hands and put on gloves. This will prevent infection. Suction the area around your child's stoma. This will help remove mucus...
Poop that is grayish or yellow in color is normally a sign that mucus is making its way into your stool. This shows that likely there is a problem with the liver or gallbladder, since the liver is responsible for producing bile that gives stool a grayish/yellow tint. ...
Yellow Discharge Yellow vaginal discharge can indicate a bacterial infection and it is mostly considered abnormal. It can also be the sign of an STD if coupled with a strange odor. Green Discharge Trichomoniasisis a protozoan parasite which causes STDs and produces green vaginal discharge. Other ba...