adj.noisy; boisterous; full of noise and clamour; clamorous zhè lǐ nào hōng hōng de wǒ men lìng zhǎo gè dì fang liáo ba 这里闹哄哄的,我们另找个地方聊吧。 It's too noisy here, so let's find another place to talk.
What does boisterous mean? What is the meaning of tenor? What is the prefix in 'understand'? What does the suffix -ness mean? What is the meaning of the word Vanadinite from the dictionary? Which are the vowel sounds in the word 'bought'?
What does the idiom "pain in the neck" mean? What does the idiom "pulling your leg" mean? What does 'fly off the handle' mean? What does boisterous mean? What does the idiom "can't cut the mustard" mean? What does forage mean?
Definitions include: young, fashionable, boisterous, streetwise male. give a hand Definitions include: to applaud. lay (one's) hands on Definitions include: to find. spark Definitions include: to set fire to. bluebird Definitions include: In selling it refers to an opportunity that comes out of...
adj.noisy; boisterous; cacophonous jiào shì li nào de méi yǒu bàn fǎ xué xí 教室里闹得没有办法学习。 The classroom is too noisy to study in. wū li tài nào 屋里太闹。 This room is too noisy. fáng jiān li nào hōng hōng ...
History and Meaning of Riot The term "riot" has been used to describe public disturbances and civil disorder since ancient times. The term comes from the Latin word "ryotarus," meaning tumultuous or boisterous. Throughout history, riots have been a means of expressing grievances and challenging...
boisterous. fierce. hectic. raucous. riotous. stormy. turbulent. violent. Is tumultuous positive or negative? Tumultuous is the adjective version of the noun tumult. A tumult, from the Latin tumultus, is an uproar or commotion, something that disrupts the usual routine or causes excitement (usua...
What does the word Robustious mean? 1 : robust. 2 :vigorous in a rough or unrefinedway : boisterous. Is Laden a Scrabble word? Yes, laden is in the scrabble dictionary. What is the plural of Laden? Singular: der Laden, des Ladens, dem Laden, den Laden. Plural:die Läden/Laden, ...
Play boisterously; The children frolicked in the garden The gamboling lambs in the meadows The toddlers romped in the playroom Common Curiosities What does sporting mean? Sporting refers to attitudes, behaviors, or activities associated with sports, emphasizing fairness, generosity, and the culture sur...
The sound and context of laughing can vary greatly; it can be gentle and subdued in a quiet setting, or loud and boisterous among friends. In contrast, cackling is almost always loud and distinctive, with a rhythm that sets it apart from more common forms of laughter. It's the kind of...