What are venules quizlet? Venule. thevery small veins that connect capillaries to the larger veins. Only $47.88/year. Veins. Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart. What is the tunica interna? The innermost layer of the veinis the tunica intima. This layer consists of flat epit...
foul-smelling vaginal discharge. pale skin, which can be a sign of large volume blood loss. chills. feelings of discomfort or illness. headache. loss of appetite. What is it called when someone gets sick from eating food contaminated with germs or toxins quizlet? What is it called when som...
What is the correct order of hemostasis quizlet? Hemostasis is the natural process that stops blood loss when an injury occurs.It involves three steps:(1) vascular spasm (vasoconstriction); (2) platelet plug formation; and (3) coagulation. Vasoconstriction is a reflex in which blood vessels na...