How would you differentiate between Staph aureus and Strep pneumoniae? What is a Staph bacterial infection? How does staphylococcus aureus develop antibiotic resistance? What is the virus classification of Ebola? What factor determines the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus organisms? What virulence factor help...
1. Stereomicroscopes come apart or dissect easily. 2. The large distance between the lens and the specimen makes them ideal for dissections. 3. They are good for viewing much smaller o To resolve an object in an ele...
Thank you for such an informative artical, have just recently started my aip journey and you have definitely answered a lot of my questions. I just wanted to confirm something with regards to vanilla, you say that vanilla bean scrapings are ok on aip but does that include vanilla bean paste?
when compared to individuals with colonization or sub-clinical infection [163]. This allows for the fungal burden to be estimated from cycle threshold values obtained through qualitative PCR in order to differentiate between pneumonia and sub-clinical infection [164]. Furthermore, commercial qPCR assay...
In this regard, we easily isolated from human low- and high-grade glioma a population of stem cells, named glioma associated stem-cells (GASC) characterized by an undifferentiated mesenchymal phenotype, clonogenicity and multipotency, being able to differentiate into multiple ectodermic (glial, oligo...
Human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cells are composed by heterogeneous and immortalized cells that can spontaneously differentiate into a heterogeneous monolayer with a brush border layer, containing cells with slightly different properties, as in the small intestine. Unfortunately, cultivation conditions...