'string' does not contain a definition for 'empty' 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll...what is the error?how to solve??? 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal' does not allow child controls. 'The input is not a valid Base-64 string' ERROR 'type' does not con...
Can someone explain this - get-aduser displays passwordneverexpires as false ( this mean the password expires) Can we add a filter with compress-Archive comdlet Can we login & logout from powershell ? Can we run PowerShell 7 in PS ISE? Can we show the nested objects in Powershell? Ca...
About IATA: the latest secretariat notes has this: The fact that some IATA 3-letter codes differ from the 3-letter part of the existing codes for the same places in UN/LOCODE has caused problems for users. In order to resolve this proble...
Fordemonstrationpurposes,IhaveimplementedSoftmaxregressionviaTensorFlowinanobjectorientedstylethatissomewhatsimilartoscikit-learn's implementation. The complete code example can be found here if you are interested: [mlxtend/tf_classifier/TfSoftmax](https://github.com/rasbt/mlxtend/blob/master/mlxtend/tf_cl...
The data URL limit lengths are about <2048 chars depending on the browser. The solution for developers is a dataURL-to-BlobURL conversion. The solution for users; if it ever happens, is… forget it and move on to something else. :) Reply Leave a reply: Before commenting please: ...
Hello all, Im Carlos Acosta! I like to be involved with the Azure community and would like to learn about ACS in general, as its an area in Azure i'm not...
( 'parec -d @DEFAULT_MONITOR@', 'audio/webm;codecs=opus' // 'audio/mp3' ); // audioStream.mediaStream: live MediaStream audioStream .start() .then((ab) => { // ab: ArrayBuffer representation of WebM file from MediaRecorder console.log( URL.createObjectURL( new Blob([ab], { type...
Perception famously involves both bottom-up and top-down processes. The latter are influenced by our previous knowledge and expectations about the world. I
(Fig.41). This is done to understand if size is playing an important confounding role in identifying bug fixing commits that are related to clones. We study the distribution of the mean size of cloned and non-cloned functions per systems in DL and traditional systems in Python projects (Fig...
What does this mean? Simply means that the attacker set up unattended access on the victim machine and then restarted the host. This unattended access means the attacker can connect at anytime by using a password they set, or tricked the user into setting, on the host. Next we see that...