Urobilinogen is a colorless by-product of the transformation process ofbilirubin(a yellow product). Bilirubin is produced during hemolysis (breakdown of old red blood cells). This bilirubin is used by the liver to produce bile, a fluid that helps digest food in the intestines. Some part of ...
Your pee turns dark because of a yellow pigment called bilirubin. Both liver and gallbladder diseases can cause bilirubin to leak from your liver into your blood. If it’s severe enough, this can also turn your skin and eyes yellow, a condition known as jaundice. What Does Blue Urine Ind...
Why does the hematocrit value decrease with endurance training? What might an abnormal increase in venous pressure indicate? What does low bilirubin mean? Can hemoglobin levels fluctuate? What causes low chloride levels in the blood? How can someone lower their platelet count?
On average, how many liters of blood does a human body have? How would blood doping affect hematocrit values? What might a low hematocrit value indicate? What is hematocrit? What is a normal blood glucose level? Which level is considered diabetes? In what blood vessel ...
What does a Coombs test indicate? The Coombs' test is used to detect antibodies that act against the surface of your red blood cells. The presence of these antibodies indicates a condition known ashemolytic anemia, in which your blood does not contain enough red blood cells because they are ...
Jaundice is a condition easily recognized by its symptoms of yellowed skin and sclera (the whites of the eyes), due to an accumulation of bilirubin in the body. It is not dangerous in itself but can indicate potentially serious underlying conditions that should be diagnosed and treated by a ...
What does a high alkaline phosphatase indicate? ALP is an enzyme found throughout the body, but it is mostly found in the liver, bones, kidneys, and digestive system. When the liver is damaged, ALP may leak into the bloodstream. High levels of ALP can indicateliver disease or bone disorde...
Liver function test results will be available after the testing laboratory does a full analysis of the blood sample. Abnormal results may indicate inflammation in the liver, damage or disease presence. Individuals who have been on medications for a long time due to a liver disease may have highe...
Elevated bilirubin levels may indicate blockage of the common bile duct caused by pancreatic cancer. Moreover, these may be found in other conditions such as gallbladder stones and a viral infection called mononucleosis. What are other tests used in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer? Doctors will...
What does your hematocrit level tell you? Hemoglobin: Hemoglobin is a biological iron-metalloprotein found in erythrocytes that are capable of transporting essential molecular gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen. The hemoglobin of the erythrocytes is responsible for carrying molecular oxygen to the ...