He’d bellowed that he’s perfect, and that if she doesn’t like being scolded, to do her job perfectly. She had called him a narcissist, and he’d fired back that she has to put up with it, but Mi-so had said she’d quit when they got back to Korea. She’d stormed off ...
Bunch of idiot peasants who’ve never seen anything but mud, the hovel they were born in, and the six other hovels in a one mile radius. Bunch of bloody yokels wouldn’t know a wyrm if it bit them, which it could never do, cos there’s no such bloody thing as a wyrm to do the...
“Why the hell wouldI, Lars?” I bellowed. “This is ridiculous. I just want my house fixed. That’s all. And I specifically asked who would be doing the job because I didn’t feel the need to see you again.” With his back to me, he paused. “No offense. But I knew it wo...
In July, I became deathly ill. Of course, I just thought I would get better. I wasn’t around anyone so I knew it wasn’t Covid. My mail lady even sent the police to check on me because I hadn’t picked up my mail in days. The police came to my dining room window. I had ...
We were greeted at the door by a huge, barrel chested man named Tito, whom Stefanie and Greg hugged first. When I extended my hand in introduction, he swallowed me in a hug, declaring, “No one shakes hands here!” in a deep bellow. A tall thin man rode up on a bicycle with a ...
TWO WEEKS AGO It was a beautiful day. They were standing on what had once been the Harrison Street Bridge, with the Williamette River glittering in the sunlight below them. Then again, it was almost always a beautiful day in Corvallis. That was part of t
bellowed beech beckett beaverton bearings beaming bayonet baths bas bartender barley banquet banker bangs bailiff badge backwoods baby's axe awe automation authorizations authoritarian auspices augusta audio attribute attire attends attaining attacker atop athletes astronomical astonishingly astonished assures ...