1 : tohandle tenderly, lovingly, or lingeringly : caress She fondled the string of pearls. 2a obsolete : pamper. b : to touch (someone or something) sexually … What does fondling yourself mean? vb. 1 trto touch or stroke tenderly; caress. 2 intr. Archaic to act in a loving manner...
the “Fed” being a conglomeration of private banks that controls the federal government and so, practically everything else, via the issuing of money it creates out of nothing that it loans at interesttothe federal government – has up to now been a kind of background...
in and out of consciousness. I remember being examined one time, but the Neurosurgeon, and he lifted my shirt, and fondled my breasts. There was no one else in the room. He was the doctor. He was supposed
Sixteen female figures made of bronze and covered with gold leaf are installed around the bowl. Being four meters high, each of them symbolizes one of the republics of the USSR. The female statues are dressed in the national costumes of each republic and are believed to have facial features ...
At the 2009 symposium, “Origins of Altruism and Cooperation,” Walter Goldschmidt is quoted as stating, “You talk about cooperation and altruism but what you really mean is LOVE. We shouldn’t be afraid to use the word LOVE. That is what makes us truly human” (from the dedication to ...