VⅥ.课文语法填空What does turning 18 really mean? Different people have different ideas. Bethany thinks when she is 18, she is mature enough 1. to get _ (get) a driving licence. However, she can't vote to have 2. __ a___ s say on how the government spends money because of ...
I'vealsobeentakingdrivinglessons,andinfact I willbetakingmydrivingtestontheveryday I turn 18.Mymumworriesaboutmebeingbehindthewheel.Asanambulancedriver,she'sseen a lotofcaraccidentsinvolvingteenagersandthinksthelegalageforgetting a drivinglicenceshouldbe 21.But I thinkI'malreadymatureenoughtounderstandthat...
Otherwise you will face the possibility of receiving a fine, or points on your licence. However, if you're currently not using the vehicle, or plan to take it off the road in the future, it would be worth saving money by getting a SORN. This will legally cover you for not having ...
Does this mean the car can drive itself? “A GT-R is a driver’s car. The point is not to have the car drive for you. You could imagine carhelpyou drive, become a better driver, improve your lap times. This is the aid that will come on top. “It’s not about the...
To be able to drive these heavier-duty versions, you’d need to have a C1 category on your licence. If you got your driving licence after 1 January 1997, that means you’d need to pass an additional driving test. Where can I find my van's GVW?
andinfact I willbetakingmydrivingtestontheveryday I turn 18.Mymumworriesaboutmebeingbehindthewheel.Asanambulancedriver,she"sseen a lotofcaraccidentsinvolvingteenagersandthinksthelegalageforgetting a drivinglicenceshouldbe 21.But I thinkI"malreadymatureenoughtounderstandthatdriving a caralsomeanstaking...
What does the phrase "have a say on" mean in the first paragraph? A. Have fun in. B. Have interest in. C. Have an opinion on. D. Have the right to.2. What's Bethany's mum's attitude towards the age of 18 for getting a driving licence? A. Disapproving. B. Supportive. C. ...
And what does BEV mean? Ah, BEV is merely an extension of EV meaning ‘battery electric vehicle’. This term is usually deployed to differentiate between various types of ‘electrified’ vehicle, as in those that have an electric component in the powertrain but aren’t themselves fully electric...
And the same for the next digit and so on. All digits should be 9. Fortune:: Agreed. Now tell me, how many digits has your largest number? I mean, where does your 9‑line stop? Nana:: They don’t stop, they just go on and on. The number must go on forever, as otherwise ...
There, basic fertility tests are usually performed for both the man and the woman, since there may be a problem in either of the two members of the couple or even in both. I recommend that you talk to the professionals who performed the fertility test so that they can perform a semen ...