The people didn't seem to be aware of me. ... I wasn't even aware that I was staring at her... ... But I think it's important that we're both aware of what's going on, don't you? ... One of his eyes was black, but he probably was not even aware of it. How can y...
Read these questions before you watch the video website, then what's the evil side? And answer the questions that. Who is calling lawrence? Who does the caller want to speak to? Why doesn't the manager answered the phone? What is the message left by david to the manager? Why does la...
在飞机货舱内发生逃逸时,应立即关闭舱门,在采取措施防止动物逃到机坪的同时组织人员进货舱进行捕捉;如为凶猛动物,在关闭舱门的同时,应立即通知托运人或收货人前来处置。处理完毕后,应通知机务部门 货舱进行检查,确保没有 飞机安全造成危害。( )
While this is its most common meaning in texting, be aware that it is a rare term, and it might mean something else. If our meaning does not fit, give the context of your conversation a name (e.g., love, sport, space, astronomy) and include it in your search term. ...
Self-awareness is a term that we toss around as if its meaning is as clear as the sky is blue. We use it in casual conversations, self-help books and motivational seminars, yet its definition remains mysterious for many. Am I self aware? Are you? Is my self-awareness different to your...
What does being a responsible person mean? Responsibility is a virtue that everyone should have. But it seems that nowadays most people are willing to take convenience over responsibility. 1 After all, your world is a reflection of you and you alone. Being responsible means being aware. The...
They reduce its use in more formal settings — perhaps well aware how older, more powerful adults feel about it. Like 这个词提供了另一条珍贵的信息传递渠道,叠加在了句子的基本观点之上。总体上看,使用 like 的说话者并不愚蠢或者欠缺考虑。研究显示他们更常在和朋友(的对话中)使用 like,且会在令他们...
What does equity mean to you? Equity means different things to different people, so make sure that you are clear on how you define it. This will be important when working with others on a vision for equity within your school. Reflect on who you are, your values, skills, an...
初来乍到第1季第2集台词 英文中文As a kid, there are things that terrify you.作为小孩总有些东西令你十分害怕Parents, th...
What Does Vetted Mean in Immigration? New entrants to a country, or those applying for citizenship, undergo vetting via a background check to ensure that they will be upstanding citizens. This process may look at things like criminal activity, outstanding debts, employment prospects, status of ot...