CC and BCC are small but powerful tools that can greatly affect how your emails are received. Used well, they help keep communication clear, professional, and respectful of everyone’s time and privacy. However, misused, they can lead to overflowing inboxes, privacy breaches, or even damaged ...
So now you know - CC means "Credit Card" or "Carbon Copy" or "Crowd Control" or "Country Code" - don't thank us.YW! What does CC mean? CC is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the CC definition is given. ...
When you’re writing an email, there are plenty of acronyms to keep an eye out for. Two of the most common, however, are CC and BCC. In almost every mail service, you can find these two acronyms near the top of every email you send, but what exactly do they mean? What Does CC ...
What does CC and BCC mean in email? The CC field in an email stands forCarbon Copy, while the BCC field stands forBlind Carbon Copy. If these terms don’t make any sense with respect to an email, don’t worry. In this article, we’ll explain the context, why you need CC and BCC...
What Does BCC Mean in Email? BCC stands for blind carbon copy. It is very similar to the CC feature, but with one major exception: When you BCC someone on an email, other recipients of the email won’t be able to see it. This means that the recipients in the "To" and "CC" fiel...
Definition and purpose of BCC What does BCC mean in email? These letters stand for “blind carbon copy.” Like CC, BCC lets you send an email to additional recipients. However, email platforms make BCC recipients “blind” or hidden. That means recipients won’t see anyone listed under BCC...
What does cc mean in Pokemon UniteAfter getting announced back in 2020, Pokemon Unite finally saw its full release in 2021 for both mobile and the Nintendo Switch. Developed by the developers behind the massively popular MOBA Honor of Kings, TiMi Studio, the game has certainly achieved a ...
我国古代数学名著《孙子算经》中记载了一道题,大意是:100匹马恰好拉了100片瓦,已知1匹大马能拉3片瓦,3匹小马能拉1片瓦,问有多少匹大马,多少匹小马?设大马有匹,小马有匹,那么可列方程组为( )
What does cc mean? Answer Hue asked, "What doescc(in email) stand for?" Originally used in business letters, the abbreviationccstands forcarbon copy.Carbon paper was a kind of paper, covered with a dark ink on the back side, that could be used to make one or more additional copies of...
And if you weren't aware, "CC" is also a reference to a bygone bit of tech folks used to implement in their businesses. Sowhat does CC mean in email? What does "CC" mean in an email? You probably know what it is to "CC" someone on an email: You want to make sure that they...