1 what's the meaing of the '~' in makefile? 3 What does the Makefile symbol $= mean? 1 What does #~ mean in bash script? 0 What do these lines in a Makefile mean? 1 In bash script, what is the use of =~ with " " in the right side? Hot Network Questions Summarizing d...
What does error 28 mean for an HTTP request? What does error code 6 mean in the response to an HTTP request? How do I upload photos taken by a camera to the server? What does netId mean in the netHandle object returned by connection.getDefaultNet? What knowledge do I need to...
>meansend to as a whole completed file, overwriting target if exist (seenoclobberbash feature at#3later). >>meansend in addition towould append to target if exist. 转自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/818255/in-the-shell-what-does-21-mean...
What does sorting order mean? For example -S res:720 will give preference to 720p, or will it ONLY consider 720p and just not download anything if there is no 720p? Provide verbose output that clearly demonstrates the problem Run your yt-dlp command with -vU flag added (yt-dlp -vU ...
What do you think this could mean? Prank time Pea-shooter practice It must be a fire drill or the end of school maybe? Oh dear – someone's been sick in the corridor 7/10 It's time for everyone to sing the Bash Street School song. Choose your Boombox sound to show how ...
In this tutorial, we're going to examine the use of the double-dash in shell commands. We'll take a look at what it does and when we might need it. 2. What Does It Do? A double-dash in a shell command signals the end of options and disables further option processing. Let's see...
Using block indent does mean that your code will take up more lines, as each indented line is typically on its own line. However, the amount of actual data storage used is minimal, and the benefits in terms of readability and maintainability are generally considered to outweigh any potential ...
What do you think this could mean? Prank time Pea-shooter practice It must be a fire drill or the end of school maybe? Oh dear – someone's been sick in the corridor 7/10 It's time for everyone to sing the Bash Street School song. Choose your Boombox sound to show how ...
What does error code 6 mean in the response to an HTTP request? How do I upload photos taken by a camera to the server? What does netId mean in the netHandle object returned by connection.getDefaultNet? What knowledge do I need to know for using HTTP network connections? How do...
In this short article, we'll explore what Bash is, what it does, and how you can start using it. Bash Defined The nameBashis an acronym forBourne-AgainSHell, a pun on the name Stephen Bourne, creator of one of Bash's predecessors. The first beta was released in 1989, and, as of ...