you can write an azure function, put your email login in the function, and deploy it on the Azure cloud. The azure functions will directly connect to your data source, get
1. What does Azure DNS allow you to do? Manage the security and access to your website. Register new domain names, removing the need to use a domain registrar. Manage and host your registered domain and associated records. 2. What security features does Azure DNS provide? Role-based ...
How does it work?Azure File Sync uses a software-based agent that you install on the on-premises server that you want to replicate. This agent communicates with the Storage Sync Service.Azure File Sync uses Windows USN journaling on the Windows Server computer to automatically start a sync...
A.Your existing Azure Database for MySQL single server workloads continues to function as before and is officially supported until the sunset date. However, no new updates are released for Single Server and we strongly advise you to start migrating to Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server ...
Microsoft is a leading global provider of cloud computing services for businesses of all sizes. To learn more about the Microsoft cloud platform and how Microsoft Azure compares to other cloud providers, seeWhat is Azure?andAzure vs. AWS. And, to accelerate your cloud journey with best practices...
How does Microsoft Azure work? Once customers subscribe to Azure, they have access to all the services included in the Azure portal. Subscribers can use these services to create cloud-based resources, such as VMs and databases. Azure resources and services can then be assembled into running envi...
How does infrastructure as a service (IaaS) work? Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) comprises a collection of physical and virtualized resources that provide consumers with the basic building blocks that are needed to run applications and workloads in the cloud. IaaS providers host resources such ...
What is infrastructure as a service (IaaS)? Are Azure Virtual Machines different than other VMs? What is a Spot VM? What is Azure Disk Storage? How does hybrid cloud computing work with Azure? What is a cloud computing "stack"?
IaaS Services How does IaaS work? In a typical IaaS model, a business—which can be of any size—consumes services like compute, storage, and databases from a cloud provider. The cloud provider offers those services by hosting hardware and software in the cloud. The business no longer needs...
There is an option in my Excel 2016 VBA project that says Compile VBA Project. What does this do?"},"Conversation:conversation:2898564":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:2898564","solved":false,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:2898564"},"lastPostingActiv...