the horsepower figures generated and promoted about a vehicle are peak power numbers at a certain RPM. RPM measures how many revolutions per minute the engine's crankshaft does a full rotation. It also calculates how many times each piston goes up and down in its cylinder. ...
Connectedness was quantified using average weighted degree (i.e., the number of weighted edges for each node; AWD), graph density (realized edges divided by possible edges) and number of nodes in the largest strongly connected component (LSCC). The level of organization in graphs was estimated...
Model: Limited AWD-e Downrange said: ↑ Boy, you can say that again! When I got my 24 Prime SE in December, I had the dealer swap out the stock 17 inch Toyo Extensa AS tires for some new Michelin X-Ice Snows I picked up at Canadian Tire. So, I never got to see what the ...
I launch the Adobe CC software updater to check for updates and it tells me Acrobat Pro is up to date and does not let me download again. I can not launch it, uninstall it or update. The local uninstaller in the Adobe Acrobat Pro folder will not work. I am afraid to use the Adob...
Rather than being characterized by smooth, large-scale currents that change seasonally (if at all), the seas are dominated by what oceanographers (海洋研究者) call mesoscale fields (紊流): fluctuating, energetic flows whose velocity can reach ten times of the mean velocity of...
I'd probably have it in LHD because it'll be doing most of its miles over there. (No need for the Panam Turbo's performance by the way, nor for the hybrid's short-range e-ability because the i3 does that job. And the hybrid has a smaller fuel tank and boot, and is 300kg ...
Does the presence of elements not related to advertising and overlaid on the advertising content (non-ad items' presence) affect visual attention and time to notice associated with key ad elements (e.g., brand and product) during the view of the YouTube 15-s, mid-roll, non-skippable in...
朝日新聞社が発行する週刊英字新聞「朝日ウイークリーデジタル(Asahi Weekly DIGITAL)」のページです。日本語ナビ付きで、初級者でも楽しく読みながら時事英語に親しむことができます。英語学習用のコラムや、時事ニュース、エッセー、エンタメなど、多彩な内容を掲載してい
Forty years of research has found that introverts tend to experience less frequent positive emotions than extraverts. Does that mean they’re doomed to be less happy than their bubbly, loquacious counterparts? Not necessarily. In fact, apaperin theJournal of Experimental Psychology: Generalsuggests ...
In the vehicle-treated group, BrdU + cells were mainly found in the SGZ of the DG [Figure 1]A and [Figure 1]a, and the mean number of BrdU + cells in the SGZ was 16.0 [+ or -] 4.7 cells per se ction [Figure 1]D. Glehnia littoralis Extract Promotes Neurogenesis in the Hippocamp...