But unlike other gems, where a low quality stone may still last generation to generation, this is not the case with poorqualitypearlsif by 'poorqual- ity" we mean thin-nacre In my opinion, none of.the.'quality' factors reports on pearls, most labs indi- cate only whether or not the ...
Interestingly, we also noticed from Table 1 that the smallest mismatch at interface does not naturally relate to the interface with the biggest work of separation (the strongest chemical bound), e.g., the result of the model b2. In contrast, model b1 has the largest Wsep while the ...
It does so less because of its effectiveness in dominating the segment institutionally, but rather because it leaves many loopholes open and unregulated, which in turn allows informal actors to employ their specific, informal routines and habits to handle WEEE. In fact, informal rule systems have ...
For all of the structures, the X-ray structure was in excellent agreement with results reported in the literature with mean differences in bond lengths of 0.002, 0.044 and 0.001 Å for (1), (2) and (3), respectively. Similarly, the mean differences in angles were 0.086, 0.039 and 0....
drreuagl-stimiseonmeonoiftotrhinegm, aonstd firneeqxupeenntsicvaeusmeseafsourrecmrimenitnsalusainndg tceivchilnimquatetserssucchonacsecrhnrinongoaadmdpiecrtioomneltirayb, icliytcyl,icpveorsltoanmalmientjruyr,yo, rvEeIhSicalree athcceidmeanitns,fedartuugresovoefrtdhoessee, aonr amlyutrid...
These three respondents had consistently marked an extremely low level of awareness in 2013 (mostly 1's on a scale from 1 to 5), yet they had answered in line with the mean values in 2010. Consequently, the value for awareness in 2010 was replaced with the mean value for the index ...
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 23 14 of 23 Buildings 2023, 13, 1 Participants in both households mean vote is between 2.4 and 1, so their perception does noPt ainrtdicicipataenatsdiniscboomthfohrotuinsetheormldss omf eaairnqvuoatl...
Logistics–Security does not usually last beyond the year; that is, different years do not overlap: "Infrastructure management begins eleven months in advance, the occupancy plan eight months in advance, and the other tasks four to six months in advance." As with Production, Logistics–Security ...
Given its effect on (stem) cell proliferation it does not come as a surprise that aberrant activation of the HH pathway can cause tumour formation. Basal cell carcinoma [84,85], medulloblastoma [86], meningiomas [87–89] and rhabdomyosarcoma [90] are all known to be caused by mutations in...
This implies that when higher profitability does not lead to higher deployment rates, fiscal support may be trying to compensate for "non-economic" barriers, such as lengthy administrative processes or barriers to grid access. At the same time, these barriers limit the market's appeal to only ...