A biphasic P wave in the inferiorleads results from interference of the atrial conduction of Bachmann׳s bundle, which in turn results in delayed activation of the left atrium as the impulse propagated from the lower right atrium to the left atrium occurs in a caudo-cranial direction. Are bi...
For processed fish oils, you will want to be sure they went through a purification process with getting rid of harmful levels of contaminants and heavy metals, like mercury and PCBs. In addition, you could look for the source of the oil to make sure it comes from a fish that is known ...
Did you know that AF which is a heart condition characterised by irregular heartbeat, increases the risk of stroke by blood clots by five fold? According to Dr Tan, if the heart does not beat regularly or not with the proper rhythm, it may flutter or quiver and fail to contract properly...
They emphasize that the Alivecor AF detection package does not distinguish between atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. In addition, those results only included participants using the Alivecor 6L device and may not be “extrapolated” to users of other mECG devices on the market. They also ...
I don't know if you had a good doctor check you out, but it does sound to me like you need at least one and probably several, sooner rather than later. My great GP doctor was a little dismissive about the pain I was in, calling it soft tissue injuries that would take a long ti...