How does God want us to fast? What are the spiritual benefits of fasting? What does it mean to fast? When the Bible refers to fasting, it refers to abstaining from food and drink for a specific period of time (the Day of Atonement establishes the precedent for a 24-hour period). ...
Regardless of any other definition that may be applicable outside of the church, we believe that biblically the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one genetic man and one genetic woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. (Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew ...
Sukkos, Pesach, Rosh HaShanah, maybe Yom Kippur. I’ve heard it referred to Purim and Chanukah sometimes, but I think it’s mostly used with the “don’t touch that light switch” holidays. I.e. the biblically mandated ones (as opposed to the rabbinic ones). ...
I am not saying that we should not address these things biblically, but what is happening, in my estimation, is that those topics are being addressed in the church by worldly thoughts and not in biblical thoughts. It is that very thing that led our church into a more biblically based deno...
God’s love does not take into account a wrong after it’s been dealt with biblically—covered. That should be our attitude as well. Jesus warned about stumbling blocks in our relationships. As we bump into brothers and sisters in the family of faith, we will not always be loveable. We...
10.3.We believe the Scriptures teach that the Son of God, by appointment with the Father (Acts 4:25-28, Eph 2:8) freely took upon Himself our nature (Phil 2:7-8; Heb 2:14), yet without sin (Heb 4:15); that by His death on the cross made a full and vicarious atonement for ...
History does not back it up. Muslims today use a lunar calendar but keep a weekly day as honored. The argument that a continuous weekly cycle is Biblically inconsistent is purely speculative. And that is the polite way to say it.The fourth point, strictly speaking, is not a Biblical one....
This does not mean that the faith of such people is merely intellectual—cold, theoretical, and dispassionate. Philosophically inclined believers can be deeply and passionately committed to the faith. What is philosophical theology? Philosophical theology attempts to use the methodologies and conceptual ...
What purpose does this postponement serve? Spier says postponement 1 "mainly fulfills the following three religious requirements: Yom Kippur [the Day of Atonement] shall not occur on the day before or after the Sabbath and Hoshanah Rabba [the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles] shall not ...
eternal life. As a result of our atonement the believer having died to sin now hates it and instead desires and does good. Jesus Christ, having obtained our atonement through His death, arose from the dead on the third day, has ascended into heaven and sat down on the right hand of the...