For us, DX does not just mean digital transformation. I want that to always be kept in mind. Transforming the future with an accountable mindset Eddie: We now turn to Uesugi-san, who is leading the transformation on the frontline as Vice President of the DX Planning Department. What are ...
The week profiled here is far from my average week, but was enough of a full-on adventure that I thought you might enjoy it. As a quick introduction, I was corresponding with Adventure Aaron while he was in South Africa shooting a tv show called “Alive”. I gave him a few ...
Im Boho, Eclectic Scandinavian – but a bit hard for me atm as now living in a caravan in the Byron Bay Shire… in a paddock! LOL my caravan is old but looking at it it is definitely BOHO/Eclectic! Reply Bobby Berk 2/01/21 Thanks for reading and sharing! Your caravan sounds very...