Approximately half of boys will experience either one-sided or bilateral breast tissue swelling during puberty. The average age of such a process is 13 years (Tanner III), and such a situation may last for six to 18 months. The size of breast tissue swelling is generally about 2 cm in di...
sometimes asymmetric [100]. Conversely, in the presence of unilateral MTL alterations, the hypothesis of Herpes Simplex Encephalitis (HSE) should be carefully taken into consideration
In the region of the second deciduous and first permanent molars two other studies showed significantly more asymmetric palates of formerly orally intubated children compared to non intubated, normal controls with respect to palatal width proportional asymmetry for 3 – 5 year olds [48] and for 8...
differences that could affect physicians’ acceptance of these devices in clinical applications. The bases do not show images of the right and left eyes of the same patient, an element widely used in clinical practice for the comparison of cup size because of the asymmetric feature in disease ...
This latter can be defined as the result of the difference between the interstitial pressure of the tumour, which is higher and the normal interstitial pressure of the healthy brain tissue. The difference in pressure makes the tumour exude the fluid in the brain parenchyma, increasing fluid flow...