See more words with the same meaning: Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of).Last edited on Jul 19 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Mar 23 2010. acronym for "age, sex, location, race". An inquiry used in online chatting. ASLR?
Your vote:None(To vote, click the pepper. Vote howvulgarthe word is – not how mean it is.) Where is this slang used? Logged-in users can add themselves to the map.Login,Register,Login instantly with Facebook. Link to this slang definition ...
Other terms relating to 'Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of)': kthx Definitions include: "ok, thanks." HMU Definitions include: acronym for "hit me up". ASLR Definitions include: acronym for "age, sex, location, religion". ...
Definitions include: seeASLR. wyd Definitions include: acronym for "what you doing" i.e. "what are you doing". IMNSHO Definitions include: acronym for "in my, not so humble opinion". DIAF Definitions include: acronym for "die in a fire". ...
Other terms relating to 'Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of)': ASLR Definitions include: acronym for "age, sex, location, religion". ASL Definitions include: online chatting acronym for "age, sex, location?" nope
ASLR Definitions include: acronym for "age, sex, location, religion". ASLRP Definitions include: acronym for "age sex location race picture". A/S/L/R/P Definitions include: see ASLRP. lose (one's) religion Definitions include: southern term for losing one's temper. religitard Definitions ...
Other terms relating to 'Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of)': HFS Definitions include: acronym for "holy fucking shit". A/S/L/R Definitions include: see ASLR. GFY Definitions include: acronym for "go fuck yourself". thxs Definitions include: abbreviated form of "thanks...
ASLR Definitions include: acronym for "age, sex, location, religion". tl;wrl Definitions include: acronym for "too long; will read later". l33t hax0r Definitions include: a l33t hax0r. NM Definitions include: "nothing much". HTH Definitions include: acronym for "hope this helps". WHYD ...
A/S/L/R Definitions include: see ASLR. TTTH Definitions include: acronym for "talk to the hand". TIA Definitions include: acronym for "thanks in advance". DAE Definitions include: "does anyone else..." or "does anybody else..." JFC Definitions include: acronym for "Jesus Fucking Christ...