the areola of my breast is wounded with pus inside. It started when I stopped breastfeeding. It is itchy and sometimes I can't bear not to scratch it with my finger. What can i do to easily heal my wound? thanks By anon60577 — On Jan 14, 2010 Beware the boil on the bum, ...
You may have nipple soreness if your baby does not latch on to your breast correctly. Correct positioning and latch-on may decrease or stop the pain in your nipples. Work with your healthcare provider to help your baby latch on correctly. It may also be helpful to place warm, wet com...
Peeling does not mean that your baby's skin is too dry. You do not need to put lotions or oils on your newborn's skin to stop the peeling or to treat rashes. Bumps, a rash, or acne may appear about 3 days to 5 weeks after birth. Bumps may be white or yellow. Your baby's ...
What does this mean? It can be scary when you hear the words ‘failure to thrive’ but this is simply a medical term used to describe the health of an infant that is not gaining weight at the expected rate. Your health visitor or GP will usually determine if this is the case by ...
What does it mean for mom and baby? If your baby is struggling to latch, then you might experience engorgement in your breasts. Which all moms will know, is a mother-pumping pain in the ass. So you will want to try and cure this nipple confusion ASAP. You can try gently hand express...
What Does a Mommy Makeover Do? Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding take a toll on the body. This is why plastic surgeons recommend a minimum of six months before having a mommy makeover. The body needs time to heal. If you plan on breastfeeding, expect to wait longer. ...
Nipple play may include biting, sucking, touching (roughly or gently), and rubbing the nipples andareola, the area around the nipple. It may include erotic pain and can be a regular part of abondage and discipline (BDSM)relationship. The amount of stimulation that’s comfortable varies from ...
What does Pagets disease look like? Paget's disease of the nipple always starts in the nipple and may extend to the areola. It appears asa red, scaly rash on the skin of the nipple and areola. The affected skin is often sore and inflamed, and it can be itchy or cause a burning sen...
When we mean C-3PO, we should probably say “AGI” (artificial general intelligence), or “strong AI,” but nobody likes redefining terms just because they’ve been appropriated, so we don’t. We do believe, though, that there’s a big difference between an AI that is self-aware, ha...
Pus is a thick fluid produced by the body as it fights infection. A large amount of pus can mean a serious infection, which must...