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Also found in: Medical. Category filter: AcronymDefinition KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KSA Knowledge, Skills and Abilities KSA Key System Attribute KSA Kirby Star Allies (gaming) KSA Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes KSA Korean Student Association (student organization providing cultural awareness and...
(JavaScript) Fixup offsets in result JSON to align with the offset on result objects. Previously only the result object's offset property was fixed up to account for service reconnections. Go language: Fixed a compilation error https://github.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk/issu...
soldier stationed in South Korea in 1982, before surrendering to North Korean troops, according to an account published by the Korea Times. The North claimed he had defected, though Pyongyang refused a request by the United Nations Command to meet him. A U.S. milit...
In this release, we've made the following changes: Fixed an issue when using the default display settings and a change is made to the system display settings, where the bar does not show when hovering over top of screen after it is hidden. Improved client logging, diagnostics, and error ...
Researchers now believe that Leonardo, who was well known for his travels, lifted the painting’s backdrop from Venice or the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, where the peaks of the Dolomites stand sentinel in the distance. Imagine capturing the perfect angle to recreate perhaps the most widely ...
In this release, we've made the following changes: Fixed an issue when using the default display settings and a change is made to the system display settings, where the bar does not show when hovering over top of screen after it is hidden. Improved client logging, diagnostics, and ...
In 2007, SRI created a separate entity, Siri, Inc., to make their technology accessible to the public, releasing the first Siri app soon after. What does Siri mean? Where did Siri’s name come from? Siri stands forSpeech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, but Dag Kittalaus, a Norweg...
It scored four out of five stars; a large part of this was down to its hefty cost, which makes it a hard sell for anyone but the most cash-rich of buyers. But, if you do have the money, it does come with one key benefit over all its Samsung rivals: its use of a micro lens ...
2021-12-16 In the light of the latest vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 (Log4Shell) in the Log4j library, we'd like to announce that we have never used this library and so this vulnerability does not concern any Planyo user. 2021-12-16 New tutorial video: This video shows how to tell Plan...