(Entry 1 of 2) :one who is well informed in the Bible or in biblical scholarship. What does it mean if someone is quotable? :deserving to be quoted: interesting or clever enough to be quoted. See the full definition for quotable in the English Language Learners Dictionary. ...
What does the sixth hour mean in the Bible? Midnight (12:00 am local official clock time) was also the sixth hour of the night, which, depending on summer or winter, can come before or after 12:00 am local official clock time, whereas the first hour of the night always began when ...
This is the future for all men and women. The time is appointed for us by God, not by our choosing, no matter what we believe. As sinners, we are already slaves of death.This is the gospel that God sent his Son for the world so those who would believe in Jesus wouldn’t be slav...
Furthermore, Gregory categorized gluttony into several types, such as eating before the appointed time, seeking costly and delicate foods, and eating with excessive pleasure. He warned that gluttony could lead to many other sins, including impurity, dullness of mind, and an inability to understand ...
Also, what does the Noble Quransay aboutthe Bible's Law? The sections of this article are: 1- Which Book is the people of the Book's? 2-Quran declares: There is nothing called"Bible". 3- Does the Quran say conclusively the bible was corrupted?
appoint, charge - assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to; "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance"21.make - achieve a point or goal; "Nicklaus had a 70"; "The Brazilian team got 4 goals"; "She made 29 points that day...
And I love this: “EVERYTHING I learned from the Father I have made known to you.” Reading that again tonight, it’s as if i never noticed that was in the Bible before. What an extraordinary thing for us to know, that of all the mysteries of Jesus’s interactions with his Father,...
Our culture has embraced a rather absurd notion that there is just one person who can, in the words immortalized by Tom Cruise inJerry Maguire, “complete us.” The idea of a soulmate is a disastrous mindset with which to approach a lifelong marital decision. But what does the Bible say ...
What does prebendary mean? A prebendary is a canon who receives a stipend known as a prebend from the church’s estates, providing them with financial support. 7 Are the roles of canons and prebendaries the same? Their roles in church services and administration are similar, but prebendarie...
GOD DOES NOT JOIN TOGETHER WHAT HE DOES NOT APPROVE! However, He does allow a marriage to continue when one spouse gets saved provided that the spouse who is now His child is able to pursue a godly lifestyle with his or her children. In this case, the entire family is blessed; otherwi...