Many gay male couples haveanal sex, but not all do. Also, people of any sexual orientation or gender can enjoy it, including heterosexual couples. People without penises can use a sex toy to anally penetrate their partners. "Pegging" is a term for when a woman does this to a man. Myth...
Most antivirals are administered orally in pill, tablet, or liquid form, or as an inhaled medication. Hospitalized patients often receive antiviral drugs intravenously through an IV line, which enables the medication to enter the bloodstream more quickly. These medications are most effective when ...
Antiviral medicine fights the virus causing your shingles. Start this medicine within 3 days after you notice the first symptoms. This may help prevent nerve pain. A shingles outbreak can cause nerve pain called post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). PHN can last a long time after you heal from ...
Medication bills skyrocketing? Talk to your pharmacist. A generic antiviral medication that costs $9 might take the place of a new-to-the-market prescription brand priced at $65. What to Expect at the Pharmacist When visiting the pharmacist, you can expect that your personal and medical informa...
To minimize brain swelling, corticosteroids may be prescribed, and to control seizures, anticonvulsant medicines are given. There is an antiviral medication if your meningitis is as a result of a herpes virus. People with a weakened immune system or those who are at a greater risk of acquiring...
This product is metabolized in cells into triphosphate with antiviral activity. After a single dose, the half-life is 1 to 1.5 hours. The intracellular half-life of this triphosphate is estimated to be 3.5 hours. About 40% of the dose is excreted in the urine 6 to 24 hours after ...
Antivirals may be given for a viral infection. Antifungals may be given for a fungal infection, such as a yeast infection. Early treatment may decrease the risk for certain cancers. Early treatment can also help prevent infertility.How can I help prevent the spread of an STI?
In this presentation, I will first briefly review general characteristics of virus and historical perspective of antiviral agent, and then check again what dermatologists know and reveal what dermatologists don`t know. With respect to advantages and dis-advantages of well-known antiviral agents, ...
Question: What are aminoglycoside antibiotic drugs? Gram Negative Bacteria: Gram negative bacteria are prokaryotic living organisms which have a thin peptidoglycan layer in their cell walls. They appear reddish or pink after performing the Gram staining procedure. ...
Thalassemia: a condition in which the body does not produce enough hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying pigment in RBCs) Acquired causes of hemolytic anemia Medications such as malaria drugs, sulfa drugs, acetaminophen (Tylenol), antiviral medications, and penicillin Infections such as hepatitis, cytomegalovi...