aBecause bathes the dew to be very fragrant 由于沐浴露水是非常芬芳的[translate] aWould you let me go to the park with my classmate, Mum? 会您让我走公园与我的同学,妈咪?[translate] awhat do anteaters eat? 食蚁兽吃什么?[translate]
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What's for Dinner?Giraffe was very hungry."I don't want to eat leaves," he said. "I always eat leaves."Giraffe tried eating grass just like a deer. But bending down hurt his neck.Giraffe tried to eat ants just like an anteater.But ants bit his tongue.Giraffe tried eating honey just...
What is an anteater's habitat? What is a jaguar's habitat? What is a mountain gorilla's habitat? What is a finger monkey's habitat? What do chimpanzees need in their habitat? What is a lion's habitat? What biome do chimpanzees live in?
What is an anteater's habitat? What do ants eat? What habitat do orangutans live in? What habitat do monkeys live in? What habitat does a halophile live in? What kind of habitat do chimpanzees live in? Where do pharaoh ants live? What habitat do leopards live in? What habitat do crick...
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