What might an abnormal increase in venous pressure indicate? What does low bilirubin mean? Can hemoglobin levels fluctuate? What causes low chloride levels in the blood? How can someone lower their platelet count? Can iron levels be low and hemoglobin be normal?
What does a high alkaline phosphatase indicate? ALP is an enzyme found throughout the body, but it is mostly found in the liver, bones, kidneys, and digestive system. When the liver is damaged, ALP may leak into the bloodstream. High levels of ALP can indicateliver disease or bone disorde...
What is the correct term for the digestive disease or disorder described as an inflamed area with tissue destruction in the gastric mucosa? Small purplish spots, called petechiae, indicate which disorder? Anemia Hemophilia Physiological jaundi...
If you are experiencing unexplained or persistent vomiting, schedule an appointment to see an experienced doctor and have your condition accurately diagnosed to avoid complications. Certain conditions that trigger the throw up of yellow bile require prompt medical attention as they could be resulting fro...
via the cystic duct. It may then produce obstruction of cystic duct, or it may get into the common bile duct and obstruct that. It may obstruct at the ampulla of Vater and produce a pancreatitis. Biliary tract obstruction leads to jaundice with increased total and direct bilirubin in serum ...
Extremely high elevations of alkaline phosphatase are most frequently seen in patients withsepsis, malignant obstruction, and AIDS. Patients with sepsis can have an extremely high alkaline phosphatase level and a normal bilirubin. How long does it take for ALP levels to return to normal?
Ascites often is an indication of end-stage cancer in general, and neuroendocrine tumors seem to be no different. Survival, depending on cancer type, typically lies around 6 months but can range up to 24 months. It is often caused by obstructed lymphatic drainage, increased vascular permeability...
It was an exclusion criterion in the previous definition of INCPH, whereas the current definition of PSVD does not exclude the presence of concomitant PVT at the time of diagnosis [3]. In addition, in the absence of ACLD, the new definition allows PSVD to overlap with other liver diseases...
What does a high creatinine level mean? How would blood doping affect hematocrit values? What might a low hematocrit value indicate? What is hematocrit? What is the normal range for a person's white blood cell count? What are some causes of an increase or decrease of the white bloo...
What is the difference between bilirubin and bile? Explain why there is glucose in a person with Type 2 diabetes's urine but not in the urine of a person who does not have Type 2 diabetes? What does a normal prostate gland feel like?