What does low bilirubin mean? Bilirubin: Bilirubin is an orange-yellow colored substance that is the byproduct of the breakdown of red blood cells in the body. The body breaks down old red blood cells, then the bilirubin is transported to the liver where it is used to help make bile. ...
This testmeasures the levels of 5'- nucleotidase (an enzyme specific to the liver). The 5'- nucleotidase level is elevated in persons with liver diseases, especially those diseases associated with cholestasis. This is disruption in the formation of, or obstruction in the flow of bile. What d...
Explain why a patient whose liver has been extensively damaged by hepatitis could show elevated bilirubin levels in the blood. Explain the reason why a man with Rh-positive blood might be the father of an Rh-negative blood child. Could a man with AB blood...
GGT, an abbreviation for gamma-glutamyl transferase, is a liver enzyme. It is also known as a gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP or g-GTP). A blood test can determine your GGT level and is used to detect damage to the liver. GGT levels are increased in persons with diseases that cause...
Extremely high elevations of alkaline phosphatase are most frequently seen in patients withsepsis, malignant obstruction, and AIDS. Patients with sepsis can have an extremely high alkaline phosphatase level and a normal bilirubin. How long does it take for ALP levels to return to normal?
Bilirubin, total: Bilirubin (billy-ru-bin) is a result of the breakdown of red blood cells which are then handled by your liver. If your reds are undergoing their normal process and your liver is fine, your bilirubin level will be within the normal limits. But, if your reds are damaged...
If all values except LDH are within expected ranges, it is probably a processing error and does not require further evaluation. Bilirubin is a pigment removed from the blood by the liver. Low values are of no concern. If slightly elevated above the expected ranges, but with all other ...
Even though the delineation technique has been validated as a reliable and simple tool to approximate FLR function, it could be prone to mistake as FLR volume does not always correlate with its function, especially in patients with compromised liver parenchyma function [104]. Accordingly, ...
Paul Smith has an anemia. His white blood cell count is greatly elevated and consists almost entirely of mature lymphocytes. The number of platelets in his blood is also much lower than normal. He is concerned that he might have ...
Which urine constituent is most likely to be elevated during late pregnancy in cows and ewes? (a) Protein (b) Glucose (c) Ketones (d) Bilirubin At what stages of cancer is a plant-based diet MOST likely to be effective? a. initiation and promotion b. init...