Dreaming About Hope… What Does This Beautiful Dream Mean? When Your Brain Tries to Tell You Something, Always Listen! I had a dream about a woman. I have no idea who she was, she didn’t look familiar to me. I saw her working in an outdoor market in a foreign city. I believe ...
That doesn’t mean all paths lead to God. It does mean that God designed your mind to be the door through which you enter the world of change. You can actually change your life by changing what you put into your mind. The power of the mind is so great that there is considerable con...
The idea that there is some racially pure music out there is just ridiculous, and the idea that it would be somehow more real (what does that even mean?) or automatically better than any of the countless hybrids we have is just kind of stupid. Highlife itself was already a fusion of ...
I mean, I want to protect them from the lies that are out there in the culture, but I also want to protect them from those voices that I think are going to exploit what our real issues and lead them in a wrong direction. And that’s what I think the red pill does. So that’s...
POPULAR QUESTION ON HOW TO BECOME MORE SPIRITUALLY ADVANCED: "HOW CAN I GET TO A HIGHER REALM - to the FOURTH, FIFTH and SIXTH LEVEL IN THE AFTERLIFE WHEN I DIE?"Please Victor, understand that this is a serious question: you are a lawyer, have you found loopholes how to get to a hi...
When I wrote the first sentence of the last post I was angry, and I sinned, boldly… as my pride always does. Me being God’s mouth piece. I type those words and shake my head in amazement! If I were his toe nail or the yuk between his toes… Then I would be blessed!
Which has meant I have been buried in e-owls asking the question, ‘”What doessolve et coagulamean?” Beatrice Groves has written something on the subject which I assume will be definitive but MuggleNet.com has been down (waydown, as in “transitioning to new ownership”) so I don’t ...
So if energy is much of what we are, does that mean that, as humans, werespondto the energy of our planet? It might make sense. Because we are made up of particles of energy, we might sense that same energy around us, especially in some specific places where it is greater or more...
This does not mean we have already attained perfection—earthly diseases and sicknesses continue to afflict us. But there will soon come a day when resurrected believers will be set free from sin, and from every other malady in the process: ...
14. Oh, and a note on #1…it’s critical that you don’t separate from your buddy, like, at all during the night. I mean, of course go dance, and like I said, HAVE FUN, just keep an eagle eye on your friend the entire night. Maybe, like, watch how much she’s drinking, an...