MOzi, not moZI (a break in the pattern)You can also use "meu amor" in portuguese, which me...
"Bebe" typically means "baby" in Spanish and Portuguese, often used as an endearment. "Bebo" is the first-person present tense of "beber" in Spanish, meaning "I drink."
2. Although I’m mainly going by the compilation rankings of albums and songs on the AOTY site, I’ve taken some licenses not to follow them to the letter. For example, some albums that were lower than others but whose artists are better known in the industry got nominations over others....
Mail me in Game or list your item here and i will give you a honest and correct appraisal for your items.Have Questions about whether or not to sell your items right away due to demand or price fluctuation? I'll give you my true and honest opinion on what you should do....
amorZÃO | moZÃOThere's this pattern. However, you're supposed to say:MOzi, not moZI (a break in the pattern)You can also use "meu amor" in portuguese, which means the same (literally, my love) — still an endearment term —, but it's used in a slightly different context. ...