Steroid hormones are made from lipids; nonsteroid hormones are made from amino acids. Steroid hormones can pass through cell membranes; most nonsteroid hormones cannot.Steroid hormones attach to receptors in the cytoplasm; nonsteroid hormones attach to membrane-bound receptors. Do insects have muscles?
What does carbohydrate mean in science? What is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature? What are the primary functions of carbohydrates in cells? What type of biomolecules is ATP? Discuss the biochemistry of carbohydrates. Include the chemical structure of the most relevant carbohydrates from a fo...
Membranes are selectively permeable. What does this mean? If cell membranes WEREN'T selectively permeable to compounds like sugars and amino acids, what would happen to the nutrients that the cell brings in? Briefly describe five functions of membran...
What is an example of essence in everyday life? The essence of a friendship might be trust and mutual respect. 8 How does essential differ from indispensable? Essential refers to fundamental needs, while indispensable might be used more broadly for things that are very difficult to do without....
Does DNA have ribonucleic acid? What is the difference between Purines and Pyrimidines? What does it mean by Purines have 2 rings and Pyrimidine have 1 ring? How are nucleotides added in DNA replication? What are the individual functional groups on each of the n...
Fig. 3: Weight loss with the obesity pharmacotherapies pipeline in people without diabetes. AMean % weight loss,BProportion of people achieving ≥10% weight loss,CProportion of people achieving ≥15% weight loss. OD once daily, OW once weekly, PO oral, SC subcutaneous, GLP-1 glucagon like...
DNA topoisomerase; DNA supercoiling; DNA relaxation; DNA decatenation; type IA topoisomerase; type IIA topoisomerase; structural biology 1. Introduction In all organisms, the intertwined structure of the DNA double helix requires the intervention of DNA topoisomerases in order to maintain the ...
Have you ever wondered what the doctor is measuring when he does a lipid screen? Or why a lipid screen is even necessary to begin with? In this lesson, you will learn about how fats and lipids travel through your body and what those numbers really mean. ...
If fish survive by extracting oxygen from the water around them and expelling carbon dioxide, does that mean that if this process fails, they can technically drown? Well, the answer isn't all that straightforward. If a fish was unable to continue the process of extracting oxygen from the wat...
How does the mouth digest carbohydrates? What are the classes of carbohydrates? What are the differences in energy density between fats, carbohydrates, and proteins? What is the biological advantage to an organism that stores its carbohydrate reserves as starch or glycogen rather than as an equivale...