for instance, proposed circumstances in which it was not economically feasible to have female slaves breed.”12Does sexual use, however, inevitably mean breeding of new slaves, or does it more generally take the form of “concubinage” to the master or other “ee” male in the household...
Rae is prone to use the Latin phrase "qui me amat, amat et canem meum (who loves me loves my dog as well) frequently. Sean Donahue, died July 8, 2000 of injuries from a car accident outside Great Falls, Montana. He was 45. Sean DJ'd on weekends and overnights at KSAN and ...
The worddocentcomes from the Latin verbdocere, “to teach,” the same word that gives usdoctor. (Contrary to a common “joke” about people with PhDs, academic doctors are the “real” doctors. In English, before the late sixteenth century, practitioners of medicine were more commonly called...
if the substitution of one for the other does not generate a new word form but merely a different pronunciation of the same word, the two sounds then are said to be in “free variation”. The plosives, for example, may not be exploded when they occur before another plosive or a nasal ...