259 June 1, 2003 Brooklyn, NY #4 PostedJanuary 31, 2005 yness, you will lots of D's around, most always a Dear ___something or other - BF (Boyfriend) MIL Mother in law BTW by the way DD dear daugther etc. I've seen so many I try not to rattle my brain, but TL,...
Start writing What does the acronym LTR stand for? According toUrban Dictionary,Dictionary, andCyber Definitions,the term LTR is an internet slang word that stands for long-term relationship. This abbreviation is often used on internet dating sites and dating apps like Tinder and Hinge to signal ...
Come November and December, a familiar fight breaks out in media circles: Is there a “war on Christmas,” causing people to replace “Merry Christmas” with more neutral holiday greetings—and if there is, what does it mean? This modern political debate got its fuel and its name from ...
Amish surnames have been very specific to very specific progenitors. I have noticed a trend towards calling all Anabaptist-related names Amish when in reality, they are not. Ahlgrim exisits today among the Mennonites in the US and so does Wittmer, however, Wittmer ...
1 周来咳嗽吐黄痰、发热,3 天来心悸气短加重人院。体检:T 38℃,R 28 次/分,BP l00/70mmHg,神清,口唇、面颊、甲床发绀,可见颈静脉怒张,心界扩大,心率 120 次/分,律齐,两肺满布湿啰音,肝肋下 3 指,脾(一),无腹水, 双下肢可凹性水肿。患者此次心衰的主...
I'm a physician now, a hospice and palliative medicine doc, so I've seen care from both sides. And believe me: almost everyone who goes into healthcare really means well -- I mean, truly. But we who work in it are also unwitting agents for a system that too often does not serve....
11目录 一单元信息1 二单元分析1 三单元学习与作业目标5 四单元作业设计思路7 五课时作业9 第一课时作业9 第二课时作业13 第三课时作业19 第四课时作业24 第五课时作业31 六单元质量检测作业38 PAGE PAGE 1初中英语
Although vaccination provides substantial protection against COVID, many people reject the vaccine despite the opportunity to receive it. Recent research on potential causes of such vaccine hesitancy showed that those unvaccinated rejected calls to get v
Presented algorithm ofOptDmethod was tested on real ALS data. TSset with the number N = 108 313 points has been processed byOptDmethods, that begins with the determination of optimization criterion. Before the processing by means of the proposed methodOptDhad begun, the mean error m0 was calc...
I mean, I’ve heard other people say they’ve gone to football matches and there’s been absolutely no trouble in the terraces at all. And people have been… sat there, you know, quite happy, opposing teams next to each other.J: Oh but it obviously does happen a lot. I mean, you...