Bibles used by Amish are written inHigh German, and verses read inchurchare also in High German, as isthe Amish songbook, the Ausbund. Proficiency in High German can vary among Amish. It is safe to say that Amish are at least a bilingual people, with individuals having a varying degree ...
My mother tongue is German. I grew up in Vienna. I never doubted that the meaning Einen guten Rutsch is only to wish a person a smooth transition from the old year to the new year. Reply Pingback: “Guten Rutsch!”: what does this German wish really mean?Expat Since Birth – A Life...
to remind them of certain things. I took my violin and went downstairs to the conductor’s room. And I started to speak—the conversation was in German—“Is there something you would like me to say?”“No, no,” he cut me off, “It has nothing to do with today’s program at all...