told Newsweek that the study's findings "further the idea that there's a specific link between the food we eat and the microbes in our gut—meaning we hold immense power to improve our health through the food choices we make.
When you drink alcohol, you are adding fluid to your body, but the chemical properties of alcoholic drinks can have unintended effects on your body. Alcohol can trigger diuresis (increased urine output), leading to dehydration and other bodily imbalances, all of which can contribute to hangover ...
Alcoholic liver disease and mast cells: What's your gut got to do with it? Alcoholic liver disease(ALD)Alcoholic steatohepatitis(ASH)CirrhosisSteatosisMast cells(MCs)MicrobiotaGutAlcoholic liver disease (ALD) remains one of the leading causes of liver injury and death when left untreated. The gut...
especially with regard to how a woman responds to stress. The relationship betweensex steroidsandgut microbiotais well documented. Not only do gut microbiota play an important role in the metabolism
What’s up with the bacteria in your gut 908:55 Quidditch in Uganda 1110:14 Art of Paleolithic 1215:20 The History of Earth Day 1109:16 How do ventilators work 1207:10 Using technology to predict the weather 807:33 Which came first the chicken or egg 1904:46 The Tokugawa Shogunate of ...
11. Alcohol Alcohol can cause many digestive issues, especially if you have more than one or two drinks per day. [30] Diarrhea is one common symptom of drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol draws water into the gut, which can have a laxative effect. In addition, alcohol can irritate the int...
Emerging science tells us we are what we eat in more ways than one. Not only does the food we consume impact our gut health, our gut health also impacts our brain and other body systems. In an interview with CBS News, Dr. Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychiatrist and author of "This Is...
How Does the Gut Microbiome Influence Behavior? Various studies, such asonefrom the University of Oxford, have linked specific gut microbes topersonalitytraits and emotional states. Thegut-brain axis, a bidirectional communication system between the gut and the brain, serv...
By introducing dietary signals into the nexus between the host and its microbiota, nutrition sustains homeostasis or contributes to disease susceptibility. Herein, we summarize major concepts related to the effect of dietary constituents on the gut microbiota, highlighting chief principles in the diet–...
As the saying goes, you are what you eat. But new evidence suggests that the same may also be true for the microbes in your gut.