There are some risk factors for atrial fibrillation that are in your control. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and watch your weight. Stop smoking and limit alcohol use. Do not use illegal drugs and be very careful if you use certain prescription drugs such as albuterol or other stimulants. Talk...
Adr激活药适应症㈠Respiratory(Beta2):asthma,bronchitis;Examples:albuterol,ephedrine,epinephrine,isoproterenol,metaproterenol,terbutaline㈡Topical Nasal Decongestants(alpha1):constriction of dilated arterioles—decrese congestion;Examples:epinephrine,ephedrine,phenylephrine㈢Ophthalmic:Conjunctival congestion;Open angle ...
There are some risk factors for atrial fibrillation that are in your control. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and watch your weight. Stop smoking and limit alcohol use. Do not use illegal drugs and be very careful if you use certain prescription drugs such as albuterol or other stimulants. Talk...